Server error '503 Service Unavailable

Hallo zusammen

Bekomme Zeitweise diesen Fehler wenn ich die Mail abfrage und einlese
Meisten kann ich alle Container neu Starten und dann funktioniert es wieder eine Zeit

Hat jemand eine Lösung oder Idee was das sein könnte

[2023-12-12 17:32:49,233] [ERROR] [paperless.consumer] Error occurred while consuming document Anfrage Laserbeschriftung 2014-9820.eml: Error while converting email to PDF: Server error ‚503 Service Unavailable‘ for url ‚http://gotenberg:3000/forms/chromium/convert/html
For more information check: 503 Service Unavailable - HTTP | MDN
Traceback (most recent call last):
File „/usr/src/paperless/src/paperless_mail/“, line 324, in generate_pdf_from_mail
File „/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gotenberg_client/“, line 74, in run
File „/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/httpx/“, line 758, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPStatusError(message, request=request, response=self)
httpx.HTTPStatusError: Server error ‚503 Service Unavailable‘ for url ‚http://gotenberg:3000/forms/chromium/convert/html
For more information check: 503 Service Unavailable - HTTP | MDN
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File „/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/asgiref/“, line 349, in main_wrap
raise exc_info[1]
File „/usr/src/paperless/src/documents/“, line 446, in try_consume_file
document_parser.parse(self.path, mime_type, self.filename)
File „/usr/src/paperless/src/paperless_mail/“, line 166, in parse
self.archive_path = self.generate_pdf(mail)
File „/usr/src/paperless/src/paperless_mail/“, line 206, in generate_pdf
mail_pdf_file = self.generate_pdf_from_mail(mail_message)
File „/usr/src/paperless/src/paperless_mail/“, line 327, in generate_pdf_from_mail
raise ParseError(
documents.parsers.ParseError: Error while converting email to PDF: Server error ‚503 Service Unavailable‘ for url ‚http://gotenberg:3000/forms/chromium/convert/html

Hallo Sascha,

ich habe die Lösung dazu hier verfasst: